Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ornare sollicitudin metus. Integer risus odio, porttitor eu gravida id, rhoncus maximus sem. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla facilisi. Sed fringilla ante et molestie accumsan. Nunc justo dolor, sollicitudin ac ligula luctus, lacinia fringilla nisi. Ut varius nibh id euismod fringilla. Praesent auctor enim sed urna feugiat dictum.
Etiam ultricies non est venenatis volutpat. Fusce vitae velit congue, gravida tortor sed, ultricies purus. Sed consequat ullamcorper ligula et facilisis.
Nulla iaculis rutrum odio, in faucibus lorem ultrices sed. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Vestibulum a augue facilisis sapien dapibus viverra et sed lorem. Aliquam vestibulum ultrices ipsum eget egestas. Pellentesque nunc nibh, ultrices lobortis nulla in, dignissim ultricies dui. Aliquam odio tellus, tempor pellentesque malesuada eget, convallis eu ante.
Integer vitae commodo dui. Curabitur ac elit at augue fermentum dapibus eu et sem.
What To Expect
Eastern Europe: Eastern Europe generally refers to the countries that were behind the Iron Curtain. It’s made up of Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, and Ukraine. It’s a cheaper destination for budget travelers, and some of its top historical sites include the Prague Castle, the State Hermitage Museum and Word War II history.
Northern Europe: Northern Europe is known for its stunning fjords, wintery landscapes, and the most beautiful natural phenomena, the Northern Lights. If you want to see them, you’ll need to visit in the winter when conditions are at their best. Northern Europe encapsulates Scandanavia, the Baltics, and the United Kingdom.
Southern Europe: Southern Europe is made up of all the countries close to the Mediterranean Sea. Spain, Italy, Malta, Greece, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro are some of the most visited destinations in the region. It’s known for its incredible sailing, natural wonders, and ancient history. And the food! Talk about a wine lover’s dream destination.
Western Europe: Western Europe is one of the most popular regions in Europe. It’s home to countries like Austria, France, Germany, Netherlands, and Switzerland that attract millions of visitors each year.